With Ryanair to Zaragoza, Valencia, Reus:

please, take right informations about all the "RULES" about bouldering in Albarracin, respect them very strictly (more infos here and here in spanish)
If not, in the future it's possible no climbers can climb in Albarracin !

Climbing rules on the Protected Park of Los Pinares Del Rodeno, January 2007

1.- All the boulders nears to the prehistorical painting are unclimbables. Don’t climb the boulders visibles from the main route or from the trails, also if you see old chalk tracks.

2.- The climbing is forbidden in the Sectors: Madriles/Acantilados, Psykokiller, Peninsula and Valle de Madera (only the bottom part) from January 10 to August 15, for nidification of protected birds: take a few meters of respect distance, (Delimitation panels installed on the access trails). On a general description are all the sectors that are closers to the Canyon situated on North-East side of The Paisaje Protegido park.

3.- Minimize at maximum the visual impact of the magnesium on the rock: use only the indispensable quantity, brush before and after climbing and leave all your garbage (cigarettes, fingers strap, ecc...). Possibly use eco-magnesium (with rock-similar colour pigment - see the Metolius one - )

4.- Parking only in the autorized areas (P signals), and don’t drive in forestal routes.Camping and light free fires are strictly forbidden.

5- Don’t “paint” the boulders with stripes or other signs for your dynos! If is necessary, use an adhesive band or your strap and remove it after climbing. ABSOLUTELY don’t use POF or pine’s resine.

6- NEVER use metallic brushes, even on unclimbed boulders.

Those Rules are an important compromise between climber’s community and Park authority, follow it strictly if you don’t want receive several Autority dressing downs and money sanctions.

Bouldering Albarracin 2008 from Boulderholics on Vimeo.

The Boulderholics on a trip to one of the best bouldering areas in europe.

Still under developing bouldering area.

Altitudine: 1300/1500 meters.



Best period:
march to mai and september to november.
In winter there is the best friction, but it can be snowy and really cold.
In summer is too hot.


180 km from Valencia and 180 km from Zaragoza.

From Zaragoza airport, take a bus to Zaragoza train/bus station (Delicias).

Bus (about 10 euros) or train (about 15 euros) to Teruel (35 km from Albarracin), .

Train map.


AUTOTRANSPORTES TERUEL (Teruel-Albarracín y Teruel-Ademuz)
Tel. 978 60 26 80
No bus on sundays and festivals.

From Teruel bus station (tel: 97 86 02 680) to Albarracin: 15,30 p.m. (just 1 bus in a day)
From Albarracin to Teruel: 8,30 a.m.

There is a bus from Valencia to Teruel.

From Albarracin in the direction of Bezas, after 3 km, You can see the boulders.

The first parking is "el cabrerizo", 250 meters ahead there is the main covered parking.

Find more photos like this on 9b


In Zaragoza

Detailed MAP:
the bus stop is before train/bus station, close to "AlCampo", where You can buy cheap and varied food.
You can walk from "Alcampo" to the camping/hotel in 5 minutes.
From Alcampo to train/bus station 40 minutes walking.
In front of Alcampo there a stop of the bus to Airport.


Daroca (between Zaragoza and Teruel) Youth hostel
tel: +34 - 97 68 00 129 or 97 68 01 268
email: darocaturismo@dpz.es


- Hostal Aragon, 1 minute walking from Place del torico, 1 person 19 euros without bathroom

- Hostal Fonda del Tuzal, 1 minute walking from Hostal Aragon

- Hostal Ovidio: in front of the train station, tel: 97 86 02 866, 1 person 22 euros with bathroom, 18 euros without bathroom

- Refuges


- Camping (there is a bus stop about 300 meters from the camping, but you have to ask to the bus driver):

email: campingalbarracin5@hotmail.com

There are bungalows with 4 beds (69 euros a day)
If You have Your sleeping bag, they can give You a tent and You pay 11,50 euros (end of october 2010) a night.
If You have Your own tent, You pay 7,60 euros.

You can buy a cheap tent in Decathlon close to Saragozza airport.

In the camping they rent crashpads (Mammut  5 € /day).

From the camping to the rocks about 3,5 km, 30 minutes walking

So You can go to Albarracin without car and crashpad.

- Youth Hostel “Rosa brios”, santa maria 5
tel (0034) 97 87 10 005, 97 87 04 019, 97 67 14 797, 90 20 88 905
Closed in november and february
17.50 euros to sleep with breakfast

- Meson del gallo

- list of accomodations

Free topo


You can find some papers in Albarracin in "molino de gato".

• Parking:
between "el cabrerizo" and the main parking, right
• Carretera:
between "el cabrerizo" and the main parking, left
• Arrastradero:
in the direction of Bezas, 250 mt after the main parking, You see the road at your left
• Masseria:
in the direction of Bezas, after 1 km, left, 200 mt later right
• Sol x bezas:
in the direction of Bezas, after 1 km, left, 200 mt later left
• Tierra media:
from the main parking, after 120 mt, there is a wood panel, left, after 50 mt, you find the path (20 min)
• Techos:
from wood panel go ahead in the main road, after a curve to left, at right there is a path
• Overhangings: from techos there is a forestal road

- zebloc
- pdf in french
- topo to buy
- Municipality of Albarracin
- Gea de Albarracin

- albarrablog (with topos)
- rockclimber.de


- 1

Spain - Aragon (Chapter)

Views: 1783

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Dose at Albarracin from Bione Happyclimb on Vimeo.

Dose at Albarracin est l’antidote contre les mois de novembre où il ne fait que pleuvoir... A visionner sans modération.

Prévoyez la crème solaire... 22 min de pure grimpe!

Les passages :
- A Ciegas, 7B, Sector Techos 1
- Bloc en 7C+, Sector Techos 1
- El Badajo, 7A, Sector Techos 1
- Blocs en 3, Sector Arrastradero
- El Jacuzzi, 7A, Sector Arrastradero
- El Varano, 8A, Sector Arrastradero
- As Escuras, 7A+, Sector Techos 1
- Blocs en 3, Sector Cabrerizo
- Techo Don Pepo, 7A, Sector Cabrerizo
- Bloc en 6A, Sector Arrastradero
- Blocs en 7A, Sector Parking
- Palplant, 7B+, Sector Cabrerizo

New temporary restrictions from January, 10th to August, 15th.

Bouldering is NOT ALLOWED in the following sectors:





end of El Valle de la Madera

El Mirador



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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

9b can help you in this aim.


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