Anders Fougner
  • 43, Male
  • Trondheim
  • Norway
  • Trondheim, Norway
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Profile Information

SPECIFIC CRAGS (please, not generic locations such as countries, regions, cities, towns, ...) CONVENIENT for me to climb, far from my location too (This is an ADVANCED CLIMBER SEARCH parameter)
Hell (sport crag near Trondheim), Oppdal (for ice climbing), Lofoten (far north, but not too far...), Harbak (bouldering)
CLIMBING areas, even far from my location, NOT convenient for me to meet climbers, but that I can give informations about
Hell (Trondheim)
My preferred climbing areas
Sardinia/Italy! Where I tried climbing for the first time, in the easter of 2006...and I went there again in 2008.
My climbing experience
Started climbing in Torino/Italy in spring 2006.
So far I've tried all sorts of climbing except aid climbing.
Now I do mostly sport climbing and ice climbing here in Trondheim/Norway, as well as some trad climbing other places in Norway.
Sport climbing "on sight" range and limit level
Sport climbing "after work" range and limit level
Trad singlepitches "on sight"/"after work" range/limit level (please, specify)
5c onsight
amateur CLIMBER
Interested in climbing and exchange languages with FOREIGNER climbers, also travelling FAR from my location
absolutely yes
LANGUAGES I know a little I would like to improve OFFline climbing with foreign climbers and/or with ONline language exchanges (ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH PARAMETERS)
english [quite well], italian [after one year in torino i know it well, but I don't speak it perfectly], german [learned it for 3 years, but I forgot everything when I learned italian...]
VOIP (instant messages and voice) networks (Skype, Gtalk, ...) + related nick-name
Skype: "anderfo" but I don't use it often. MSN: anderfo ætt
Origin Country
My location now (city and/or town and/or region)
Trondheim, Norway
Closiest airports with low cost airlines + related low cost airlines
Trondheim Airport, Værnes (10 minutes walk from the best crag!)
ACCOMODATION (and kind of) close to climbing areas to rent / exchange / offer )
yes a kind of "couch", yes space for tent, I can give my help and advices
VEHICLE (any kind of vehicle) to rent / exchange / share / offer to other climbers (ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH PARAMETERS)
no sorry
Climbing and/or travelling TOOLS / MATERIALS to rent / exchange / share / offer (ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH PARAMETERS)
Status/occupation (student, worker, ... if You want specify)
PhD Student (Engineering Cybernetics at NTNU)
anderfo ætt
Mobile/cellular phone (country code included)
+47 97158863
My personal LINK
My personal blog and/or site (LINK)
My personal PHOTOS sharing site (Flickr, Picasa, ...) LINK
My personal SOCIAL NETWORK ( Facebook, Myspace, ... ) LINK
Year (or date) of birth

The Norwegian clown!

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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 10:07am on February 16, 2008, 9b said…
At 11:05pm on February 15, 2008, Amanda Berezowski said…
I dont know much about climbing in this area... most of my life i lived in Calgary... so i know that area a lot better!
At 5:06pm on February 15, 2008, Marco said…
Ops, I'm wrong, it was the spring semester of 2005.. already three years are passed.. but maybe we have seen each other in korsvika (lade).. so.. keep in touch, maybe i really visit you.. now as now, i have in mind another program, going to climb in south thailand with Riccardo, another 9b member.
Have a look, maybe you would like join us. 700euro the flight go and back :)
At 3:57pm on February 15, 2008, 9b said…
Ok, it's just because I prefer downloadable than paper guidebooks. I let You train, climb and work ;-) Call me when You like on skype, ciao!
At 3:06pm on February 15, 2008, 9b said…
Fantastic Anders, thanks very much !
I know You have no copyright for THAT guidebook. I also know that You, as every other climber, WITHOUT COPYING that guidebook, can do Your own guidebook.
I think it's a matter of RESPECT and honesty: if You are honest YOU CAN DO A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NEW GUIDEBOOK ABOUT THE SAME ROCK.
Please, consider that Lulu lets You create a MULTIMEDIA guidebook:
not only text and photos, but VIDEOS too !
If You do a video (or even just a photo) for every single route in Hell, for example, I think this work from You is UNIQUE and for sure is much different from the already printed guidebook.
The point is do to SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
This is just my opinion. We can open a discussion about this, may be WITH THE AUTHORS of that guidebook, if they like. May be they themselves would like to do the multimedia version of their guidebook ?
At 2:25pm on February 15, 2008, Marco said…
Hello Anders, welcome! Nice to see your picture of Oppdal & Trondheim. Actually in 2006, I studied six months in Trondheim's NTNU, where I lived in Moholt Studentby :) It's a kind of nostalgy remember that, it was really a cool period hiking around Norway, from the south fiords to the northest Tromsoe :) Maybe, I could come back for a visit and have a ski together in vassfjellet ;-) HADE BRA!
At 12:38pm on February 15, 2008, 9b said…
Wow ! FOR SURE this summer I will be climbing in Hell ! Where can I order the guidebook online ?
Is it in english too ?
What about other crags in the area ?
Are they interesting or Hell is better without any doubt ?
I would have many other questions:
- how many routes are in Hell ?
- where can I rent a bike to go from routes to supermarket ?
- etc etc
Too many questions :-), so I make You a proposal:
why not YOU do the english guidebook JUST FOR HELL using lulu ( ?
If You do that me and other climbers on lulu site can buy the DOWNLOAD of Your guidebook and then print it by ourselves.
If You do it I will buy for sure, so I can have all the informations before coming there.
I can "help" You doing my list of informations I need.
And I can translate Your guidebook in italian !
What do You think about this ?
Regarding flights:
for sure direct flight is the fastest way, but with Ryanair I can fly to Oslo for about 10 euros, from Bergamo. I guess from Torino or Venezia to Trondheim may be the cost are more than 10 + 40 euros, am I right ? I must ceck on Norwegian site. Ciao !
P.s. if You can fly directly to Cagliari, me too very very cheap, so, really, when You want we can meet up there ! If some other climbers would like to come we can organize the first “9b Roc Trip” around Cagliari !
At 12:01pm on February 15, 2008, FLAMI said…
yes i used to live in Torino for a couple of it!
sardinia is an amazing place...but in summer is too hot..better in mid season...
have a nice time over there!
see you
At 11:42am on February 15, 2008, 9b said…
Hi Anders ! Welcome !
Come to Sardinia to climb with me when You want !
Next summer I would like to go to Hell: I can reach Oslo with Ryanair, then what do You suggest from Oslo to Hell ? Is there train ? Do You know how much it costs ? And close to Hell is there a campsite ? Do I need to rent a car there ? Is there a guidebook on the net ?
Thanks in advance

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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

9b can help you in this aim.


As you can see here, in 9b there are many " topo groups ".


You can add a discussion in every "topo group".

In your discussion you can edit and publish your own climbing topoguide, as a "paywall", a "destination page", requiring climbers their payment by credit card or paypal to access and read, even on SMARTPHONES (iphones, android phones, ...)


After having paid, climbers can see, save and print your climbing topoguide.


In this discussion you can add:


1) PHOTOS regarding one specific SECTOR (of routes or bouldering, dws lines)


a) "PHOTO topo":

It's very easy to edit a photo topo:

- upload a photo of a rock in a topo group discussion

- drawn the lines

- write names and grades (an example…



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