Adam Ondra in Spain: 8c+ on sight ? No, 9a "1 go". And 9b very close

As "twitted" 3 days ago, in the last few weeks, Adam Ondra climbed Fabela pa la enmienda 9a, 1 go.

Adam has also tried Golpe de Estado, 9b (about 4, 5 days): he was very close to do it, falling several times at the last crux move, but unfortunely he injured his finger so he stopped trying it.

Views: 273

Comment by Adam Ondra on February 15, 2010 at 5:30pm
Hey people,
somebody has spread pretty wrong informations. The first pitch of the climb, La Fabela 8c+, wasn't onsight at all, since I had known all the moves from other routes like Open Your Mind (it has the same 8a-ish start), Fabelita and Cachasa, what is the new project I tried two days and has the same finish with Fabela. This finish is also crux for Fabela. Thus I had climbed every single move in this pitch before! After the anchor of Fabela I climbed about ten meters that I had never climbed before (8a maximum) and the end is the same as Enmienda that I have climbed two years ago.
Nevertheless, this route can be onsighted in the future in my opinion, but the crux of the first pitch is quite tough for onsight and not very obvious.
Comment by 9b on February 15, 2010 at 5:45pm
Ok Adam, thank You for Your information, I will inform about it Ukclimbing.
Comment by 9b on February 15, 2010 at 6:30pm
I informed Bjorn too :-)

Ciao and compliments in any case !
Comment by Nacho Pascual on February 18, 2010 at 12:10pm
Finger injured?
I hope it wasn't nothing serius,anybody knows?
Anyway my best wishes to Adam and congrats for the impressive 1 go to ''Fabela pa la..''
Comment by 9b on February 19, 2010 at 10:45am
He says here he injured his tendon "a little" on Demencia senil :
watching the video is easy to understand why :-)
Comment by Nacho Pascual on February 22, 2010 at 2:39pm
Thanks for the info and good healing for Adam.


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