Here is some news on the cliffs of the Valley Pennavaire (Albenga - IT) as usual by Dindo.
Let’s start with L’Erboristeria right sector. few projects were released and some new pitches bolted with length between 25 and 35mt, starting from right we have:

Ignazia 6c+
Ginko Biloba 7c
Muira Puana 8a
Aloe 8a
Stramonio 8a/+
Cicuta 7c
Acpantos 7c+
Dulcamara 7c+
Cren 8a
Soon I’ll put something on the left sector of the crag.

Also by Dinda there is a new area close to La Colletta. Called Guggheneim offers several pitches around 6b / c on vertical walls and some other in strong overhang until 7c. Access: From the village La colletta proceed towards Veravo / Oresine and park just before the country Oresine; at a brook on the left find the track that in five minutes leads to the cliff. The sun goes down around 2 P.m. in summer (the cave about one hour before) WARNING! The site is just bolted. Pithces need to be cleaned and falls of stones are possible(mainly from the walls). Pay attention to children.

Arriving at the cliff we have:

Goghen 6b
Dalì 6b+
Arcimboldo 6b+
Mirò 6c+
Monet 6c
Van Gogh 6b
Cezanne 6b+
Pellizza da Volpedo 6c+
Renoire 6a+
Proceeding for 1 min.:

Andy Wharol 7b/+
Dix 7c
Klimt 7b
Kandinski 7c
Picasso 7b
Da Vinci 7a
Israel 6c
Chagall 6b+

maps on http://

Views: 118

Comment by 9b on June 15, 2009 at 7:06pm


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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

9b can help you in this aim.


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