  • Italy
  • Modena-ReggioEmilia BISMANOTVA
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  • Mike
  • banük
  • Amanda Berezowski
  • 9b

Profile Information

CLIMBING areas, even far from my location, NOT convenient for me to meet climbers, but that I can give informations about
Nago, Pietra di Bismantova
My preferred climbing areas
Dolomiti, Appennino Reggiano
My climbing experience
Trad, Classic Alpin Climbing, Sport Climbing, Canyoning, Backcountry
My best achievement in whatever kind of climbing I did
7c+ 10 Years AGO ...!
rock sport singlepitches, deep water soloing or psicobloc, rock sport multipitches, rock trad singlepitches, trekking, ski mountaneering, freeride, travelling to climb
Sport climbing "on sight" range and limit level
Sport climbing "after work" range and limit level
Bouldering range/limit level
Sport multipitches "on sight"/"after work" range/limit level (please, specify)
On sight: 6a+ After Work: 6c+
Trad/mixed multipitches "on sight" range/limit level
Trad singlepitches "on sight"/"after work" range/limit level (please, specify)
what about "After Work" in TRAD...? the seme of On Sight
Deep water soloing range/limit level
about 6c
Interested in climbing and exchange languages with FOREIGNER climbers, also travelling FAR from my location
absolutely yes
LANGUAGES I know a little I would like to improve OFFline climbing with foreign climbers and/or with ONline language exchanges (ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH PARAMETERS)
Online language exchanges with voip (skype, ...): of course, speaking about climbing ;-)
Origin Country
My location now (city and/or town and/or region)
Modena-ReggioEmilia BISMANOTVA
Closiest airports with low cost airlines + related low cost airlines
Bologna, Verona
ACCOMODATION (and kind of) close to climbing areas to rent / exchange / offer )
I can give my help and advices
Climbing and/or travelling TOOLS / MATERIALS to rent / exchange / share / offer (ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH PARAMETERS)
yes share, yes, yes rope, yes tent, yes bag
single, looking for my opposite sex climbing friend
Status/occupation (student, worker, ... if You want specify)
worker in HI TECH
Year (or date) of birth

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Pella's Blog

Winter Climbing - Levante Ligure

Posted on January 19, 2009 at 12:00pm 1 Comment

Con l'inverno ed il clima rigido molti posti dove praticare l'arrampicata, sia Sportiva che Classica, risultano impraticabili per il frdddo e la neve abbondante sulle vie.

Per fortuna nel "Bel Paese" è possibile Arrampicare tutto l'anno, sia su Monotiri che su vie di impostazione "Classica" o "Multipitch".

Il Levante Ligure: la costa della Liguria è costellata di Falesie, Rupi e scogliere dove poter arrampicare scaldati dai… Continue

Appennino Modenese - Foce a Giovo, Mt Rondinaio, Lago Turchino, Lago Santo, Foce a Giovo

Posted on October 20, 2008 at 5:52pm 0 Comments

Altro bel Trakking sull'alto appennino Modenese:

Partenza dalle pendici del MtModino (Flor sa bene come si chiama la località, io non la ricordo); ci si conciunge alla via Ducale che raggiunge comodamente Foce a Giovo.

Da Foce a Giovo si segue il segnavia CAI "00" (GEA: Grandi Escursioni Appenniniche) in direzione E fino a raggiungere la sommità del Mt Rondinaio (NON il "Rondinaio Lombardo" che è un altro monte), infine seguire i segniavia in direzione del Lago Santo ed infine… Continue

Appennino Reggiano - Mt Cusna (2112m)

Posted on October 6, 2008 at 2:30pm 2 Comments

Trakking in Appennino Reggiano:

- Presa Alta (Ligonchio)

- Costa delle Veline

- Mt Cusna

- Passone

- Rif Battisti

- Presa Alta (Ligonchio)

Pella e Luther tra nuvole e vento.

Find more photos like this on world CLIMBERS party at 9b

Giornata speciale, con vento fortissimo e freddo da primi giorni… Continue

Grigne - Arrampicata Classica

Posted on September 30, 2008 at 11:37am 4 Comments

Questo fine settimana parteciperò ad un Aggiornamento su tecniche di "Progressione Alpinistica" che si terrà nelle Grigne.

In base al tempo, si decidernno le vie Classiche da affrontare.

Alcune Note (tratte dal sito:

Il massiccio delle Grigne, che si eleva alla quota di 2410 m di altitudine nel cuore delle Prealpi lombarde, è di grande interesse paesaggistico, per la morfologia aspra e… Continue

Palma de Mallorca and DWS PSICOBLOC

Posted on September 24, 2008 at 3:20pm 1 Comment

I and my friend Marco has just go back from Palma de Mallorca

We are Climbe all the time at Cala Varques, a beautifull beach with not far (5" minutes by walk) a lot of Cave and Arch; a lot of PSICOBLOC of all kind.

I'm find this new way to climb: the free solo. For one of my kind of people that come from BigWall Alpine Cilmbing and Mountaneering, searching the way, the rest, a lot of camelots and nats used for protection;… Continue

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At 8:13pm on January 21, 2009, Mike said…
Io sono tutti i venerdì al corallo a scandiano
Anche noi stiamo decidendo siamo più o meno 5 persone ok ci sent
At 8:16pm on January 20, 2009, Mike said…
Ciao nn so se ci siamo mai visti in pietra, a sassuolo ho già arrampicato ma nn per la gara ho fatto solo le due tappe totem tonga...
ho visto che questa estate vai a malta anche io ci vado, questa sera decidiamo le date o 1° magg o 1°giugno... tu di dove sei???
At 1:11pm on January 19, 2009, 9b said…
ti ho rimesso il link con ... il link cliccabile, guarda qua
At 3:58pm on October 7, 2008, banük said…
one of them is in Niğde ,and the name of the mountain is Aladağlar, it has lots of summits (3756 meters the highest) (
and the other one (with more snow in the pictures) is in Kayseri, its name is Erciyes (3917 meters). (
and now for a long time, I have been dreaming of climbing Mount Ararat which is in the Eastern part of Turkey, 5137 meters!.... (
Türkiye is really rich for mountains and caves.. Wish I had the chance to see all... :)

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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

9b can help you in this aim.


As you can see here, in 9b there are many " topo groups ".


You can add a discussion in every "topo group".

In your discussion you can edit and publish your own climbing topoguide, as a "paywall", a "destination page", requiring climbers their payment by credit card or paypal to access and read, even on SMARTPHONES (iphones, android phones, ...)


After having paid, climbers can see, save and print your climbing topoguide.


In this discussion you can add:


1) PHOTOS regarding one specific SECTOR (of routes or bouldering, dws lines)


a) "PHOTO topo":

It's very easy to edit a photo topo:

- upload a photo of a rock in a topo group discussion

- drawn the lines

- write names and grades (an example…



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