"ALBARRABLOCK": a real offline CLIMBERS party ?

"Albarrablock", or "Albarablocco", or "Albarrabloque" is just an IDEA:
something similar to Melloblocco, but in the spanish bouldering "mecca": Albarracin.

A bouldering meeting (4 days, for example),
open to all climbers, from all over: Spain, Italy, France, Germany, ...
A LOT OF CLIMBERS, a kind of "Woodstock" for climbers.

Albarrablock could be just few days after (or before) Melloblocco.

So, with that date, maybe some climbers far from Europe too (U.S.A., South Africa, Australia, ...) could be interested in participating in Melloblocco AND Albarrablocco at the same time.

The idea of Albarrablock is FREE, there is no owner of this idea.

If the idea can become reality it would be a GIFT for all climbers :-)

Do You like the idea ? (You can vote here)

Can the idea become reality ?

WHY not ?

Which are the problems a crowd of climbers in Albarracín could produce ?

The fear climbers will not respect the above rules, with the consequence the Municipality will forbid bouldering in ALL the Albarraccin forest and not just in the areas bouldering is already forbidden (around caves with paintings) ?

Could Albarrablock be the big opportunity to inform many climbers about the rules to respect when bouldering in Albarracin ?

If You like the idea of Albarrablock, just You can make this idea become real.

Some examples:

You can advertise this idea to Your own friends.
It's very easy, just 1 click on the
buttons below (Share or Facebook and Twitter).
If 20.000 climbers will know about the idea, maybe 2.000 will participate ?

Let's make this Albarrablock idea like a "virus" on the net !

You can be the "sponsor" of Albarrablock.

You can share Your ideas and suggestions here in comments' space (in Your own language too, maybe somebody will translate it :-).

Or, better, You can write about Albarrablock all over the climbing web:
in Desnivel forum, or in 8a.nu, here in this Facebook group, ... where You want.

In the Facebook group already joined some "vic" (very important spanish climbers :-)

You can "VOTE" Your participation here:
if many climbers will participate in Albarrablock, maybe campings, hostels, restaurants, ... will give climbers

You can find other examples by Yourself.
Just do something !

At the end, just a "little" thing from many climbers all over is something big !

You can also ORGANIZE or give Your help to organize Albarrablock.
What do You think is the best to do ?
Which is the best
plan/project for the event ?

If You want to organize a music concert and/or a climbing film festival, come on !Fotos de Viajes a Albarracín
You can do it.

You can contact the Municipality, ask them their own opinion.

Does "La Ciudad de Albarracin" really want and allow Albarrablock ?

You and/or Your team can organize the whole project too.

Even if everybody can help to organize Albarrablock, to respect and honour locals who opened the climbing lines in Albarracin, the organization should be SPANISH.

From an ethic point of view, without a spanish organization Albarrablock can't exist.

So, who are the real local experts in Albarracin ?

Who was/is in Albarraccin the person like was/is Simone Pedeferri in Val di Mello ?
Who could be the best Albarrablock technical manager ?

Are there any spanish team interested in organizing Albarrablock ?

Do You prefer to organize all the event by Your own, or would You like to cooperate with foreigner teams ?

Why not an Albarrablock "manager" or team in every country ?

Albarrablock could be much more than a gathering with a lot of climbers.

It could be a real off line party, at a 9b level.Andrea Chlebovà & Daila Ojeda

Be sure:

an active participation from ALL of You climbers, a real off line Albarrablock PARTY will NEVER exist.

So, which is Your opinion ? Your answers ?

What are You going to do ?

P.s. Logistically, if You participate at Melloblocco, to go to Albarracin, You can:
- take a train to Bergamo from Morbegno
- take a bus from Bergamo train station to Bergamo/Orio al Serio airport

- fly low cost with Ryanair from Orio al Serio airport to 1 of the 2 airports closiest to Albarracin (Valencia and Zaragoza)

Views: 418

Comment by 9b on December 3, 2010 at 10:18pm
New access regulations:
* It's forbidden to climb at 'Sol' y 'La Masia' sectors.
* It's more or less okay to spend the night in the parking area in vehicles (no tents or camping) but only if any signs of overnight stays are gone in the morning.
* Parking. You must park under the roof/shades of the parking areas. If your vehicle doesn't fit under the roof/shades, please, park in the main car park or in 'El Cabrerizo'.
* Please stick to recognised paths. Don't short cut!
* Restricted boulders. It's forbidden to climb on boulders within 30 meters of the asphalted road between Albarracín and Donarque. It's also forbidden to climb within 30 meters of any cave paintings.
* Bouldering hours. It's forbidden to climb one hour after dusk and one hour before sunrise.
* Minimise the use of chalk and always brush it out after climbing.
* Tick marks, if you need to mark a hold, please, use a strip of tape then simply tear it off and take it with you.
* It's totally forbidden under this protected pine forest law to have dogs off the lead.
* Don't make fires - it's a big dry pine forest!
* Bury all human waste and pack out any paper, tissues and/or sanitary products.
* Smokers, take your cigarette butts with you.
* avoid climbing two days after it has rained since the rock here is pretty soft and so it breaks apart while it's humid.


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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

9b can help you in this aim.


As you can see here, in 9b there are many " topo groups ".


You can add a discussion in every "topo group".

In your discussion you can edit and publish your own climbing topoguide, as a "paywall", a "destination page", requiring climbers their payment by credit card or paypal to access and read, even on SMARTPHONES (iphones, android phones, ...)


After having paid, climbers can see, save and print your climbing topoguide.


In this discussion you can add:


1) PHOTOS regarding one specific SECTOR (of routes or bouldering, dws lines)


a) "PHOTO topo":

It's very easy to edit a photo topo:

- upload a photo of a rock in a topo group discussion

- drawn the lines

- write names and grades (an example…



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