Surely the hardest route I sended yet. It's a nice route, short, maybe 15 meters long, and bouldery.

The beguining of the route is on jugs, far the one from the others,

Then you get a section from a slopper to small pocket to a big two finger pocket.

The hard section is on small pockets, with which one you've got to dino on a sloppery jug.

Then you've got a not so hard resistant finish crossing to the left on average crimps. You still can fall, three times for me :)

Views: 146

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Is not "Turbo diesel" the name ?
In the guidebook it's written Turbo diesel, but for all the people who climb around cantobre, we just say "turbo D" wich is shorter and sounds better.

Plus there are false names on this crag, and errors, so it could be one too don't know what had given the bolter.
We apologise for errors but mens who did it had several problems like burglaries, and publishing imperatives.
Some names are a bit false like:"
"Qu'importe le canyon pourvus qu'on ait l'ivresse" wich is in reality:
"Qu'importe le flacon pourvus qu'on ait l'ivresse" wich means something.
Ok, so the following is the 8a link with Your ascent too :-)


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Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

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