Flatanger cave, called ”Hanshelleren” (Hans cave), is one of the largest in Scandinavia and with a huge potential for new routes.

Rock and scenery just amazing.

There are about 200 routes at the moment, though it's possible to bolt many more.


Free topos:

- 1



To get there:

take a flight to Trondheim, with Norwegian or SAS (from  Oslo, for example).

15 mins walking from Trondheim Airport, you can climb in Hell.


From Trondheim to Flatanger rent a car or, low budget, take the bus to Sjöåsen.

The last 50 km from Sjöåsen to Flatanger (map), a taxi charges you 9 Euro to bring you to a farm where you can stay with your tent (it will became a real camping soon).

After arrived, You don't need a car, the cave is 20 min walking from the farm.


 You can reach a supermarket, 4 km from the farm, getting a ride from the farmer or other climbers.


If you have a car, You can:

- stay in Lauvsnes village, at Zanzi-bar

- have better rest days driving around to go fishing or hiking.

This huge cave and other surrounding rocks is Norway best high level climbing area, with very long overhanging routes.

According to Magnus Midtboe (blog and interview), quite futuristic:

"The ground is following the wall in the beginning, so if you have a 100 meter long rope you can maybe get out the whole cave just changing ropes one time. We need some long slings as well, to avoid rope drag".

A new Norwegian Chilam Balam soon ?


Views: 3749

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A message from Gudmund Grønhaug

" Hi

Short history lesson and info of the climbing in Flatanger and surounding areas:

the climbing in Flatanger started around 1990 with lots of tradclimbing and a few sport routes in the valley bellow Hanshallaren (the cave).

In total it was done around 50 trad routes in the valley and around 20-30 sportroutes around the cave itself.

Everything was recorded in a book in the cave where people stayed when climbing there.

Sadly a storm destroyed the book and all details was lost.

Still the routes are there to be climbed, but claiming a first in the valley is not probable if it is easier than 7a and tradclimbing.

It was also bolted and climbed in other walls in the area in the late `90s and early 2000 and up untill now.

The cave itself remained untouched until last year.

Then I managed to persuade "boltefondet" to pay Magnus Midtbø and a couple of others to bolt some routes in the cave itself.

This marked the new start to the climbing in Flatanger.

And I can happily now see that 5 years of effort to get somebody to help make my dream of seeing hard climbs in the cave come true.

In total now I´d guess the total of routes has passed 200 and every week new routes are being bolted and first ascents of old and new projects are realised rapidly.

Together with the proximity with the bouldering in Vingsand and Harbak (1 and 2 hours drive away) the untouched boulders and walls in Flatanger will give a great destination for the years to come.

No matter wether you do multipitch, trad, sport or bouldering!


Gudmund Grønhaug "

Some news from the farm's owners.


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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

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