  • 36, Female
  • Lausanne
  • Switzerland
  • Logan, UT, USA
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  • Jeremy
  • Marie Viatte
  • Lang

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Profile Information

SPECIFIC CRAGS (please, not generic locations such as countries, regions, cities, towns, ...) CONVENIENT for me to climb, far from my location too (This is an ADVANCED CLIMBER SEARCH parameter)
My preferred climbing areas
St-Loup, Massongex, Cresciano (Switzerland) Fontaine-Bleau, Verdon, Seyne (France)
rock sport singlepitches, bouldering, rock sport multipitches, ski mountaneering, ski, travelling to climb, sport singlepitches
Sport climbing "on sight" range and limit level
about 6b-6c
Sport climbing "after work" range and limit level
about 7a-7a+
Bouldering range/limit level
Interested in climbing and exchange languages with FOREIGNER climbers, also travelling FAR from my location
LANGUAGES I know a little I would like to improve OFFline climbing with foreign climbers and/or with ONline language exchanges (ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH PARAMETERS)
Online language exchanges with voip (skype, ...): of course, speaking about climbing ;-)
Origin Country
My location now (city and/or town and/or region)
Logan, UT, USA
ACCOMODATION (and kind of) close to climbing areas to rent / exchange / offer )
not in this period
VEHICLE (any kind of vehicle) to rent / exchange / share / offer to other climbers (ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH PARAMETERS)
no sorry
just single
Status/occupation (student, worker, ... if You want specify)
Students in vacation (for 6 months)
Mobile/cellular phone (country code included)
swiss: 0041 79 725 72 11, american: 001 435 713 57 47
My personal SOCIAL NETWORK ( Facebook, Myspace, ... ) LINK
http://ALICE CLIMBER (couchsurfing)

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Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 9:15am on March 31, 2008, Lang said…
Well, It's too bad you don't have time! I'm looking forward to getting outside since the snow is almost gone! I If get the Chance you really should come though!
At 7:23pm on March 24, 2008, Marie Viatte said…
Merci beaucoup Alice!
Je ne sais pas si j'aurais l'occasion de retourner en Suisse d'ici un bout de temps. je vais en Tanzanie cet ete dans le cadre d'un project charitable. J'espere y aller peut etre en avril,mai l'annee prochaine. Peut etre que je t'y verrais! Amuse toi bien a Vegas...Y'as de l'escalade a faire la-bas?
At 8:46pm on March 9, 2008, Lang said…
hello Alice, have you thought about coming to ak? there is some really great climbing here... great Bouldering if it isn't raining, in some of the most beautiful landscape in the world.
At 11:39pm on March 4, 2008, Marie Viatte said…
Salut Alice!
Je m'appelle Marie et je suis nee en Suisse a Delemont ds le Jura. Mais ai immigre vers la France sur la cote Ouest vers l'age de 6 ans,
J'habite maintenant en Ecosse et n'ai jamais eu l'occasion de faire de l'escalade en Suisse. Ai ma famille la bas et pense y faire un tour un jour avec mon petit ami, histoire de lui faire decouvrir les Alpes! Tu conseilles quels coin pour l'escalade?
Ca te plait les etats-unis? Je pense que tu dois voir le soleil plus que moi!!!!
At 6:21pm on February 28, 2008, 9b said…
Ciao Alice !

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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

9b can help you in this aim.


As you can see here, in 9b there are many " topo groups ".


You can add a discussion in every "topo group".

In your discussion you can edit and publish your own climbing topoguide, as a "paywall", a "destination page", requiring climbers their payment by credit card or paypal to access and read, even on SMARTPHONES (iphones, android phones, ...)


After having paid, climbers can see, save and print your climbing topoguide.


In this discussion you can add:


1) PHOTOS regarding one specific SECTOR (of routes or bouldering, dws lines)


a) "PHOTO topo":

It's very easy to edit a photo topo:

- upload a photo of a rock in a topo group discussion

- drawn the lines

- write names and grades (an example…



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