well, busy busy busy. . . Sat a bunch of folks met up for some climbing at Daeryokbong on Geumjeongsan. Dave from Gunsan tured 21 on Sunday, and along with Mike from Osan, was starting a week-long trip thru Korea. Rick, Dalton and Colby (with a friend, Tom) came out, as did locals Dave and Natalie (whom I met at the Meet and Greet) and Heather from Ulsan. The local Busan Climbers and PNU Alpine Club were out as well, and were able to help me match all the climbs up. Sunday it rained-- so I did more research and writing stuff, as well as working on getting my notes into the computer! And I posted the other climbs I visited on KOTR. Monday I went back to Geumjeongsan to finish taking photos and getting beta for Buchae Bawi. The friend I am staying with is having lots of issues and I am not sure I am in a good position to help. . .
So Tuesday, I drive out early to Ulsan and meet Mike and Dave (and Heather until she goes to work) for some climbing. It's interesting rock, and lots of locals out on a beautiul day! A lot of folks about my age, and two incredibly strong women, who give me good beta on the gyms. Camping at night, but I lock my keys in the car. mike offers to open it if I can find a coat hanger, and voila, the shop ajumma has one all bent straight to hang up the trash bag. I explain my need and she gets a hammer and bends it straight for me! Mike works it a bit, and finally by prying the door open a bit, is able to grab the key and fit it through! YES! I am proud of Cha cha doing all these off-road trails. She's being really good!!
Wednesday, more climbing. Dave is working on an 11d. I belay, as he goes for it, but maybe doesn't rest enough and rushes a move, slapping and. . . off. A bit later, he's back. . . I got him. . . he ads the drama of pulling rope, dropping it and yelling for me to :"take up slack" but not to pull him off. . . OK, I'm watching. . . come on. . . yes! A send and Dave is having a good day now!! Tomorrow is a rest day (I'll visit local gyms). We manage to pack all the gear and the guys into the car, and head into town. I can see out the back, but Dave is my right "eye". He also has to lift his back and twist as I shift gears. We drive around town until we are just sooo hungry we pull over for pizza. Not the greatest, but edible, and at this point. . . once satiated, we find Heather's. . . these guys are not used to car directions. It's been an interesting time for me, hanging out with these kids. They can be pretty funny! At any rate, I am getting a cchimchilbang tonight and soaking!!
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