Adam Ondra and Chris Sharma together in Catalunia, Spain

According to Joe Kinder, Adam and Chris are trying together a new project in Catalunya, filmed by Brett and Josh Lowell.

In Catalunya there are three 9b+ projects ...

In the following video you can see the 9b+ project in Santa Linya Chris was referring to in the above one:

9b+ apart, Catalunia has still 3 9bs waiting for a second ascent:

- First round first minute

- Neanderthal

- Fight or flight

Will be soon possible to see where rock climbing will go in 2012 ?

Views: 2467

Comment by 9b on February 15, 2012 at 7:44pm

A photo of the project here.

Comment by 9b on February 17, 2012 at 2:31pm

It seems there is a super hard boulder problem in the project

Comment by 9b on March 4, 2012 at 7:06pm

The project is requiring much more days than usual for a 9b ...

The most difficult route in all sport climbing history soon ?

Comment by 9b on March 10, 2012 at 5:54pm
Comment by 9b on March 14, 2012 at 3:06pm
Comment by 9b on March 19, 2012 at 3:19pm

"It’s the efforts that we put forth and that enjoyment that creates the motivation to keep doing it over and over… that is what’s so addicting"


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Sell on 9b your climbing topos to other world climbers !

Posted by 9b on March 1, 2013 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

27cragsclimbervoice8a and many others are amazing sites, but sometimes, expecially if you worked a lot to envision, bolt, clean routes or boulders, you want to monetize a little your efforts.

9b can help you in this aim.


As you can see here, in 9b there are many " topo groups ".


You can add a discussion in every "topo group".

In your discussion you can edit and publish your own climbing topoguide, as a "paywall", a "destination page", requiring climbers their payment by credit card or paypal to access and read, even on SMARTPHONES (iphones, android phones, ...)


After having paid, climbers can see, save and print your climbing topoguide.


In this discussion you can add:


1) PHOTOS regarding one specific SECTOR (of routes or bouldering, dws lines)


a) "PHOTO topo":

It's very easy to edit a photo topo:

- upload a photo of a rock in a topo group discussion

- drawn the lines

- write names and grades (an example…



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